Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New iPad 2012 jailbroken within hours

The new Apple iPad (third iPad, iPad 3) has already been jailbroken in at least three different ways. On the same day that Apple started shipping the new iPad out to consumers, there were reports that at least one hacker had already jailbroken the latest tablet.

That did not take long. Just hours after today’s launch of the new iPad, jailbreaker MuscleNerd posted (via iFans) screenshots of what he claimed is a jailbroken third-generation iPad. Do not get too excited, because MuscleNerd warned there is “still lots of work to do.” Therefore, the jailbreak is far from prime time. There is “No ETA,” but he provided screenshots of Cydia running for further proof that it is on the way. We will keep you updated as progress is made.

Jailbreaking an iOS device allows you to access files and settings that would otherwise be hidden. This makes it possible to install apps that aren’t available from the official App Store, and most jailbreak utilities install the Cydia Store which is basically a one-stop shop for apps and patches for jailbroken iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad devices.

There you can find apps that change the default behavior of the tablet by altering the boot logo, notification system, multitasking, or other features.

We can confirm that the method used to jailbreak the iPad2 4 months ago (before corona) still works even in 5.1.  That means we’ll at least be able to get our foot in the door to get the required kernel dumps on the iPad3.  That’s an important step, but by no means is it the end of the story.

Those of you following @i0n1c may have noticed he’s already tweeted pictures of his iPad2 jailbroken at 5.1.  As far as we know, he’s using a method completely unrelated to the one mentioned above.  That would be great news!

We’ve also seen bits and pieces of an entirely different jailbreak method being investigated by someone close to the Cydia repo scene.

Don’t update your new iPad3 past whatever iOS it comes shipped with

By the way, it’s rare but entirely possible that some of you may find your iPad3 comes with an iOS version that’s not quite 5.1.  If you do, be sure to let us know


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